The reason All Religions are Evil

All religions were created by Enki. Enki is Lucifer. The Monotheistic Religions are all tied to blood, and that is directly linked to black Magic, therefore the Spell in those religions, are the greatest and hardest to break free from. Enki has put our World upside down, and that is why everything is so messed up in our World.

Our minds are very powerful, and when the right hemisphere is acknowledged and utilized, everything is possible. That is the pearl among the crap.

We are the Life Force Energy of the universe, and our right hemisphere of our brain verifies that. We are all brothers and sisters. I am the Life Force Energy of the Universe Energy of the World, and so are you. The right hemisphere of your brain can access you to Nirvana.

Some people appreciate me

Today, I went to pick up my money for my downhill skis I handed in at the annual ski swap.  Had them since 1975.  I informed people there of Global Weather Geoengineering,and they were so appreciative, so unlike Word Press Readers, Google, Tumblr, and Linkin who just IGNORE ME!

Most humans are beyond dumb.  I put out posts to educate people on what really matters, and most just IGNORE ME.  The best thing would be for most people to go extinct and stupidity would decrease dramatically.  You cannot shut me up, as much as you would like to, and going to keep posting Truth.  I hope extinction happens and the dumb ass people who think somebody is going to rescue them, wake up to the reality that there is NO ALL LOVING ALL POWERFUL GOD.

Every Breath You Take

Do you love clean, fresh air in the wilderness, the freshness and exhilaration it brings to your being. You surely do but it is an illusion. Every breath you take is contaminated with heavy metals.  Tree’s and bee’s are dying all over the world because of this.

The vast majority of people do no research to find out the real truth. You no longer sea a royal blue sky because of the geoengineering of our weather.

Go to and all the scientific facts are there.

Why a Peaceful Nonviolent Revolution?

I will never forget what a retired military man said to me about the U.S. Government.  He said “do not think that your own Government would not use a Black Hawk helicopter against civilians.”

Remember that the present U.S. Government is the same one that nearly wiped out the Native population on this Land, under the U.S. Flag.  Remember that slavery was endorsed and enforced under the so called ‘Holy Bible.’  Slavery is an evil act against a fellow human.

Most flag waving people would rise up in arms against this Wicked Government, if they were aware of the truth, and that would play right into the hands of those who have more firepower to wipe them out.

It is highly unlikely that a massive non-violent revolution would take place, because the Elite’s have divided the population, and therefore make this a mute possibility.

What an All Loving, All Knowing, All Powerful, Creator would not allow.

They would not allow any of the following:  Children in Cancer Wards suffering in horrendous pain, cancer patients wallowing in suffering, the poor to remain in their poverty,  the ultra-rich using the middle class and poor class for enriching the ultra rich, babies and children being raped, the rapes of forests, oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams, the crippled to remain cripple.

I listed the 3 characteristics of the Bible God.  Anyone using common sense would know that if they had all power available to them, their love would compel them to not allow any of the aforementioned problems to remain.

Man’s Inhumanity toward Man

Man’s inhumanity toward their fellow man is proof why there is no All Powerful All Good All Loving being.  If there was, we would not have the crazy World we live in.  Someone who had the aforementioned qualities would not allow this to take place.

The human ego is humanity’s own worst enemy.  Humanity’s ego’s prevent global unity.  Instead of resisting false cognition ego, they instead embrace and revere it.

Man’s inhumanity toward man, proves that there has been genetic manipulation into human DNA.  The sooner humans acknowledge this, the sooner humanity can progress, for the betterment of all, or stay on the course they are on now, and see the end of humanity. The choice is yours.

How popular are Radicals and Rebels?

Consider that since I wrote my ‘Rebel With A Cause’ post that my views have plummeted.  I was simply pointing out how, together, we could make our World a better place for everyone.

Should we not care more for the future of our Children and Grandchildren?  Are we content to leave them a World that is probably the most screwed up it has ever been?  Humans more disunited than ever.  These are questions we must ask ourselves if we want to leave our children and grandchildren a Better World.

How would you like this?

Imagine that in Frontier times  you have a nice home and yard and have a family of four.  Imagine that a Lakota Sioux tribe comes to your door, and that you have no weapons to defend yourself, because Lakota leaders had previously removed all your weapons.  They inform you that they will take your two children to a Lakota boarding school, and they would remain there until their schooling was finished, and you could not see them until their schooling was done.  They further informed you that you would no longer be allowed to wear what you want, but only Lakota approved clothes.  They also inform you that from now on, your food would be rationed.

Now you know the full story, and not white man history.

The Bible needs to be banned on the grounds of slavery alone!

Luke 7: 2-9   Notice that Jesus does not speak out about slavery.

Colossians 3:22   Once again Jesus does not speak out against slavery.

Does not common sense tell you slavery is wrong?

Titus 2:9  Again, Jesus does not speak out against slavery.

The Old Testament is a Slavery 101 manual

Slavery in not ethical, not moral, and it is evil.  I have morals and ethics, do you?  Not if you endorse this Evil Bible!

The Dumbing Down Of The World

Social Media is responsible for the dumbing down of our World.  It is the booster shot that has accelerated the worldwide spread of ignorance.  Every day, toxic chemicals are coning down on our land and polluting everything.  Every breath we take has been contaminated.  Geoengineering has all the facts. 

If the World would get educated on this, this assault can be stopped. The father of four, who started Geoengineering Watch had moved to northern California to be off grid.  He was powered by solar and wind.  When he lost 80% of his solar, he started investigating, and his alarm signals went off in his brain.

We no longer see a royal blue sky, and the vast majority of the World population is not even aware of this.  I saw a picture from space showing our planet.  It was surrounded by a white haze (geoengineering), and above it was the royal blue sky we used to see.