The Final Nail In The Coffin Of Christianity


Ever since I knew Christianity was a Lie, it bugged me as to where did they come up with the name ‘Jesus’. Here is The Answer:
Tony Bushby (The Forged Origins Of The New Testament. Article in Nexus Magazine: Vol. 14, Nu. 4)
Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicea and he ultimately decided upon a new god…To involve British factions,he ruled that the name for the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and then Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god.
The trip is that Christians have unknowingly been praying to Krishna all this time, along with the Druid god.
Here is a super comment I received from a friend on this post on FB:
Ray Belahi Entire Old Testament was plagiarized from ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and of course, Egyptian texts! 
Constantine made-up sign of crucifix out of thin air to validate Christianity and its forged biblical stories, including names of characters. 
It’s fascinating and intriguing, even from Old to New Testaments, every passage on Jesus was narrated based on alleged accounts or literally “urban legend” by someone else who has never seen him. 
Moreover, there’s no physical evidence or DNA trace anywhere throughout Middle East, pointing to the existence of this person called Jesus Christ.